To Whom It May Inspire…

Today is your day. Yes you. Yes today. When you woke up this morning, you woke up to a day you have never seen-a day in time that has never happened and it has beauty, blessings, and incredible opportunities written all over it. The question is, will you open yourself up to see it? Will you allow yourself to be present to the beauty and blessings that exist all around you?

You are worth it


If you are reading this, it means that:

a) You are literate (Did you know that there are over 774 million illiterate adults world wide? Statistic provided by UNESCO)

b) You have access to internet (Did you know that 60% of the world’s population, which is approximately 4.2 billion does not have internet access? Statistic provided by the LA times)

I don’t know what you may be going through at this moment but what I do know is that there is far more that you and I CAN do than we can’t. On this day, for this day only, may you acknowledge and appreciate who you are, what you do have, and what you can do. May you put your courage before your fear and know that intimidation is just inspiration in disguise. May you take your eyes off your circumstances and shift them to God who is greater than anything you have, are, or will go through. On this day, may you “Let Love be your highest goal!”- 1 Corinthians 14:1

You are loved more than you’ll ever know. And friend, “It is love alone that gives worth to all things.”-St. Teresa of Avila

love is the ultimate trump card


Note:  “To Whom It May Inspire”-Austin Madison is a phrase I learned (and became a fan of) from Ed Catmull’s book “Creativity, INC.”

2 thoughts on “To Whom It May Inspire…

  1. Hi Joann

    I read this email and of course I did love it but I just need clarification on what is meant by “intimidation is just inspiration in disguise”.

    Hope all is well with you.

    Thanks hun!

    “Big Picture. Fine Focus.” wrote:

    > a:hover { color: red; } a { text-decoration: none; color: #0088cc; } a.primaryactionlink:link, a.primaryactionlink:visited { background-color: #2585B2; color: #fff; } a.primaryactionlink:hover, a.primaryactionlink:active { background-color: #11729E !important; color: #fff !important; } /* @media only screen and (max-device-width: 480px) { .post { min-width: 700px !important; } } */ Big Picture. Fine Focus. posted: “Today is your day. Yes you. Yes today. When you woke up this morning, you woke up to a day you have never seen-a day in time that has never happened and it has beauty, blessings, and incredible opportunities written all over it. The question is, will you “

  2. Hi Marisol,

    “Intimidation is just inspiration in disguise” refers to the fact that blessings and opportunities often come in disguise. If intimidation is the wrapping paper, inspiration is the gift inside. So often, we don’t ever receive the gift because we stop at the wrapping paper (intimidation in the form of one’s title/experience/paycheque or what others are doing, saying, believing, etc.).

    The things or people that intimidate us often do so because they trigger our most vulnerable being or place of insecurity. When we our vulnerable, we feel naked and exposed. Many see being vulnerable as a state of weakness but in reality, it is really a place of incredible strength. The people who we connect with on the deepest level in life more often than not have at some point or another been vulnerable with us. They have shared their failures or when they have felt inadequate. They share their fears, worries, and doubts. They are willing to share their true self, imperfections and all.

    When we perceive intimidation as merely intimidation, it gives us an excuse to close ourselves off, become defensive, justify why we are the way we are, become complacent, and feel bad for ourselves. Intimidation is like a wall in front of us.

    Unwrapping or rather peeling back the layers of intimidation allows us to confront our vulnerable self and do something about it. When we peel back the layers, intimidation becomes a pathway for greater growth…and greater connection.

    I hope this helps!



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